Newsletter Archives
Here you can find all previous newsletters from the Prospective LCA Network.
December 2024 Newsletter
Our December 2024 newsletter includes details and an invite to attend our next Prospective LCA Network Meeting on Uncertainty in Prospective LCA, an overview of our spring meetings and webinars, a list of upcoming conferences and events in the field, and publications recommended by members in the network.
The minutes and slides from our fall webinars on IAMs and Prospective Characterization Factors can be found here:
Prospective Characterization Factors:
Please send us any recent publications you have published or to please recommend any you have come across you think would be helpful to others in the field.
If you would like to add an article to the next recent literature update in next newsletter or have an upcoming course, training, or conference session related to Prospective LCA let us know by emailing the network, filling out the contact form at the bottom of the page, or sharing in our LinkedIn group!
September 2024 Newsletter
Our September 2024 newsletter includes details on our upcoming webinar and an invite to attend our next Prospective LCA Network Meeting on Prospective Characterization Factors, a list of upcoming conferences, and an extensive list of recent publications related to the field.
As the field of prospective LCA has seen so much growth this year, we ask you to please send us any recent publications you have published or to please recommend any you have come across you think would be helpful to others in the field.
If you would like to add an article to the next recent literature update in our October newsletter or have an upcoming course, training, or conference session related to Prospective LCA let us know by emailing the network, filling out the contact form at the bottom of the page, or sharing in our linkedin group!
July 2024 Newsletter
Our 2024 Summer Holiday newsletter includes info for our next webinar on Prospective Characterization Factors, upcoming conference sessions, a list of upcoming trainings/courses, and a short reading list of some of our favorite articles.
If you would like to add an article to the next recent literature update in our September newsletter or have an upcoming course, training, or conference session related to Prospective LCA let us know by emailing the network, filling out the contact form at the bottom of the page, or sharing in our linkedin group!
May 2024 Newsletter
Our eighth newsletter includes a call to submit to our upcoming conference session, a list of upcoming trainings, recent publications in the field, and an invite to attend our next Prospective LCA Network Meeting on Prospective Characterization Factors. Here, you can also find slides from our last workshop on Market Modeling in Prospective LCA, which was organized by network members.
Market Modelling Workshop Slides
March 2024 Newsletter
Our seventh newsletter includes upcoming conferences and training, recent publications in the field, and an invite to attend our next Prospective LCA Network Meeting on Market Modelling. Here you can also find meeting minutes from our last workshop on Water Use and Characterization Factors in Prospective LCA.
November 2023 Newsletter
Our sixth newsletter inviting abstract submissions to the 2024 SETAC sessions, an invitation to participate in our next meeting, as well as the latest publications and upcoming courses from network members.
September 2023 Newsletter
Our fifth newsletter includes upcoming conferences and training, the schedule for the prospective LCA session at LCM 2023, and updates on recent literature in the field.
June 2023 Newsletter
Our fourth newsletter recapping our SETAC sessions meeting on harmonization, the schedule for the prospective LCA meeting at ISIE 2023, updates on recent literature in the field, as well as upcoming courses and conferences.
April 2023 Newsletter
Our third newsletter recapping our February meeting on harmonization, the schedule for the prospective LCA session at SETAC Dublin 2023, and updates on recent literature in the field.
December 2022 Newsletter
Our December newsletter recaps the minutes of our November meeting on foreground inventory modelling, a call for abstracts for our session at LCM 2023, and updates from our network.
October 2022 Newsletter
Our first bi-monthly newsletter recapping our September kick off meeting, a call for abstracts for the prospective LCA session at SETAC Dublin 2023, and updates from the network.